
To Reach

The requested products and services are to be able to carry out our production at the optimum time, conditions and cost determined by considering human health, without harming the environment.

Basic principles of our management system;

Customer-oriented long-term thinking is to never compromise on quality, to be innovative in our sector, to adopt a zero accident policy during the use of the products we produce, and to leave a more livable world for future generations. It is to support the efficient use of our resources by continuously increasing our recycling and recyclability amounts at all stages of our production, and to prevent energy waste and environmental pollution.

In addition, it is our basic principle to lead the future in our sector together with our customers and solution partners by fully complying with all legal regulations and constantly improving our current management policy.

-- Betapak Board of Directors

Quality Management
System Policy

To produce high quality automatic packaging machines and have a say in the international arena,

Providing quick solutions to customer requests and complaints,

Keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level,

To be fully committed to our commitments,

To provide the best service and quality with the least cost by closely following the developing technology,

Continuously improving our performance,

Our basic quality policy is to constantly improve the Quality Management System we implement in our business.

Environment Management
System Policy

Beta-Pak Makine A.Ş., in order to leave a clean and healthy environment for the future by minimizing the damage to the environment;

To comply with laws, regulations, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System conditions and other conditions,

Using energy and natural resources efficiently,

To take the necessary measures to prevent environmental pollution resulting from its activities,

To ensure the reduction, reuse, recovery/recycling and disposal of wastes generated as a result of our activities, based on the product life cycle,

To spread environmental awareness within the company and to convey this awareness to all relevant parties,

Continuous improvement of the environmental management system has been adopted as environmental policy in order to increase environmental performance.

Occupational Health&Safety
Management System Policy

Considering people as its most valuable asset, Beta-Pak Makina A.Ş. adopts as its primary business goal the prevention of all possible losses, injuries and health deteriorations and the continuous improvement of all its processes and activities by creating a healthy and safe working environment.

In this direction;

To develop a health and safety culture with all its stakeholders by acting responsibly towards laws, regulations, ISO 45001 standard conditions and other requirements,

Ensuring the participation of all levels of the organization, including employees and employee representatives, in Occupational Health and Safety-related practices, and including opinions and suggestions in decision-making processes,

In order to reduce occupational accidents and occupational diseases to zero, to identify the hazards arising from operations, process and engineering changes and evaluate the risks, to eliminate the hazards and risks with the work carried out, and to reduce the risks that cannot be eliminated to an acceptable level,

To encourage employees to uncompromisingly comply with healthy and safe working rules through training, and to increase employees' Occupational Health and Safety competence and awareness,

Ensuring that employees are prepared for emergencies through emergency training, drills and other practices,

In extraordinary situations (pandemic, earthquake, civil unrest, war, etc.), it has adopted as its OHS policy to act by considering the expectations of all relevant parties, especially the employees, and to inform and raise awareness of all employees accordingly.

Information Security
Management System Policy

The purpose of the Information Security Policy is Beta-Pak Makine A.Ş. To define the necessary requirements to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of information systems and information assets.

Beta-Pak Makine A.Ş. In particular, it has adopted the fulfillment of the following issues:

Identifying risks to information assets, including risks that may arise from the effects of climate change, and managing the risks systematically,

To fulfill the requirements of the ISO 27001 Information Security Standard,

To comply with all legal regulations regarding Information Security,

To provide the necessary resources for the survival and sustainability of the Information Security Management System, to establish controls, to evaluate continuous improvement opportunities and to carry out the necessary work for surveillance,

To carry out continuous training to improve technical and behavioral competencies in order to increase information security awareness.

Beta-Pak Makine A.Ş. ensures the establishment and supervision of the necessary controls to operate and ensure the continuity of the Information Security Management System processes through sub-policies, procedures and instructions related to this policy.