
Bpz Series
Z 105
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Z 105 is the youngest and most economical machine from the Betapak packaging machines family. Although it is no different to others in terms of what it does, it is mainly used for small capacity applications. This is the ideal machine for concentration on one application rather than a combination of applications. Being a machine operated by a single operator, it requires minimal maintenance and works without noise and failure.

Thanks to the fact that all its mechanisms, including main chasis and feet, are made of 304 quality stainless steel and metal profiles, it has long life, even in the most difficult working conditions.

Technical Features

Full Automatic Thermoform Packaging Machine with MAP Application

Capacity 6 - 8 cycles/min.
Film Widths 250mm - 462mm
Film Thickness 120 micron - 700 micron
Bottom Film (PA+PE) / (PVC+PE) / (PET+PE) 100-700micron
Top Film (PA+PE) 60-90micron
Step 120mm - 240mm
Reel Diameter Web - max. 400mm • Lid - max. 300mm
Reel Core Diameter 76mm
Shape Depth max. 90mm
Machine Length max. 4750 mm